Review Article

Inflammation, Cerebral Vasospasm, and Evolving Theories of Delayed Cerebral Ischemia

Table 3

Recent studies have shown improvements in clinical and experimental vasospasm with the use of other various pharmacological additives.

Recent assessments of potential treatments for vasospasm after SAH
Author (year)InterventionParameter altered/assessedModelFindings

Meyers and Connolly (2011) [119]Endothelial receptor antagonistDelayed ischemic neurological declineHuman Endothelial receptor antagonists (Clazosentan) have no effect on vasospasm related morbidity and mortality
Fathi et al. (2011) [89]Sodium nitrateArterial diameterPrimatesIV sodium nitrite reverses CVS after SAH
Muehlschlegel et al. (2011) [151]DantroleneTCDHumanIV dantrolene decreases CBF after SAH
Echigo et al. (2012) [20]TrehaloseNF-Kb, ET-1, COX-2, and LeporineTrehalose decreases lipid peroxidation, arachidonic acid release, vasospasm, and inflammatory markers after SAH
Hong et al. (2012) [115]Hydrogen rich salineSOD, GPx, and malondialdehyde MurineMolecular hydrogen reduces peroxidation and vasospasm after SAH
Pradilla et al. (2012) [23]L-CitrullineBA diameter, neurobehaviour, and NOS expressionMurineSystemic L-citrulline prevents angiographic BA vasospasm and improves neurobehaviour and NOS expression after SAH
Zhang et al. (2012) [152]mTOR inhibitionBA diameter, appetite, and activity scoresCaninemTOR inhibitor (rapamycin) reduced CVS after SAH

SOD: superoxide dismutase, CBF: cerebral blood flow, GPx: glutathione peroxidase, NOS: nitric oxide synthase, BA: basilar artery, mTOR: mammalian target of rapamycin, and TCD: transcranial Doppler.