Clinical Study

Preoperative High-Dose Steroid Has Long-Term Beneficial Effects for Myasthenia Gravis

Figure 2

Kaplan-Meier curves for the modified PR in MG patients: Kaplan-Meier curves for MG patients ( ) in preoperative programmed high-dose steroid treatment group (solid line) versus those ( ) in no preoperative steroid treatment group (broken line). The modified PR was defined as the absence of symptoms and signs of MG for at least 1 year, with intake of a daily PSL dose of 5.0 mg or less for MG and no intake of other immunosuppressive drugs. Vertical bars indicate censured data. A significant difference was found between the two curves (log-rank test, ). Therefore the present study aimed to clarify the clinical benefits of preoperative programmed high-dose steroid treatment for MG by comparing the long-term outcomes of MG patients who received high-dose steroid treatment prior to thymectomy with those of MG patients who did not.