Research Article

Cross-Cultural Validity, Reliability, and Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of the Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson’s Disease-Psychosocial Questionnaire

Table 4

Spearman correlation for convergent validity of the SCOPA-PS questionnaire regarding other measured scales and variables in Iranian Parkinson’s disease patients .

Scale/variableSpearman Rho

Duration of disease0.17
Hoehn and Yahr stage 0.34*
Schwab and England ADL scale (%)−0.55*
PDQ-39 (quality of life)
 Activities of daily living (ADL)0.60*
 Emotional well-being0.63*
 Social support0.43*
 Cognitive impairment (cognition)0.54*
 Bodily discomfort0.44*
FSS (fatigue)0.36*

Statistical significant correlation at the level of .