Clinical Study

Apathy in Parkinson’s Disease: An Electrophysiological Study

Table 4

Logistic regression model of P300a amplitude (in Fz area and in ON period).

VariablesUnivariate analysis
( value)
Multivariate analysis
( value)
odds ratio
confidence intervals

Duration of Parkinson’s disease0.538
Time between treatment and test0.850
Total dose of dopa therapy0.993
Hoehn & Yahr score0.726
Total Webster score0.182
Axial Webster score0.451
Lateral Webster score0.226
Total UPDRS III score0.166
Axial UPDRS III score0.312
Verbal fluency (animals)0.114
Verbal fluency (letter M)0.090*0.532
Verbal fluency (boy + fruit names)0.296
Stroop test (SP)0.239
Stroop test (SR-SP)0.949
Wisconsin (number of series)0.431
Wisconsin (number of mistakes)0.285
Wisconsin (perseveration percentage)0.933
HAD (anxiety)0.658
HAD (depression)0.150
Goldberg (anxiety)0.878
Goldberg (depression)0.327
Apathy (Starkstein)0.003*0.029*1.671.06–2.63

Significant values at the 0.1 level.