Research Article

Depressive Symptoms in Individuals after Stroke in a Home-Based Rehabilitation Setting

Table 2

Preliminary analyses of potential predictor variables for inclusion in regression model.

VariablesDepressive symptom groupsIndependent samples -tests
PHQ-9 0–9 PHQ-9 ≥ 10

Mean age, years ± SD70.5 ± 12.763.4 ± 13.75.0320.001
Time post stroke, days ± SD81.1 ± 206.2104.8 ± 141.3−1.0630.288

FIM, score ± SD105.8 ± 17.099.4 ± 20.13.2180.001
RNLI, score ± SD15.9 ± 4.212.9 ± 4.85.2330.001

Chi-square test of independence

Gender, males428450.7810.377
Referral source, 8.7460.013
 Acute care26627
 Inpatient rehab40239
 Outpatient Rehab/CCAC/community12726
Marital status, 4.4750.215
Type of stroke, 1.7570.415

Note. CCAC = community care access centre; FIM = Functional Independence Measure; RNLI = Reintegration to Normal Living Index.