Research Article

Prevalence of Stroke Risk Factors and Their Distribution Based on Stroke Subtypes in Gorgan: A Retrospective Hospital-Based Study—2015-2016

Table 2

Distribution of gender, residence, and discharge status as well as their association with stroke subtypes.

Hemorrhagic strokeIschemic strokeOdds Ratio95% CIP value

Male63 (57.3)155 (58.5)0.9510.607-1.4920.828
Female47 (42.7)110 (41.5)
urban69 (62.7)168 (63.4)0.9720.613-1.5400.903
rural41 (37.3)97 (36.6)
Discharge status (hospital outcome)
Death29 (33.7)14 (6.5)7.3413.637-14.8170.0001
Live57 (66.3)202 (93.5)