Research Article

Screening of Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Patients with Epilepsy: Using a Valid and Reliable Indonesian Version of Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7)

Table 5

Diagnostic accuracy assessment.


Yes (≥7)241943
No (<7)0103103

Sensitivity = a  : (a+c) = 24  : (24+0) = 24  : 24 = 100%
Specificity = d  : (b+d) = 103  : (19+103) = 103  : 122 = 84,4%
Positive Predictive Value (PPV) = a  : (a+b) = 24  : (24+19) = 24  : 43 = 55,8%
Negative Predictive Value (NPV) = d  : (c+d) = 103  : (0+103) = 103  : 103 = 100%