Research Article

Comparable Efficacy and Safety of Teriflunomide versus Dimethyl Fumarate for the Treatment of Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis

Table 1

Demographic and clinical information of the studied groups before and after matching.

VariableAll patientsMatched group
DMF (N = 70)TRF (N = 79)StatisticsDMF (N = 38)TRF (N = 38)Statistics

Age at disease onset, y, mean (SD)25.17 ± 7.2332.28 ± 10.06MD = 7.10, t (145) = 4.859,  < 0.00127.52 ± 6.9628.56 ± 9.11MD = 1.04, t (67.41) = 0.555,  = 0.581
Age at the last visit, y, mean (SD)29.47 ± 8.1840.72 ± 10.21MD = 11.25, t (147) = 7.354,  < 0.00133.15 ± 7.7434.92 ± 9.18MD = 1.76, t (74) = 0.905,  = 0.369
Female, n (%)57 (81.4%)68 (86.1%)X2 (N = 149, df = 1) = 0.593,  = 0.44132 (84.2%)33 (86.8%)X2 (N = 76, df = 1) = 0.106,  = 0.744
Education level, n (%)Nonacademic25 (35.7%)47 (59.5%)X2 (N = 149, df = 1) = 8.404,  = 0.00422 (57.9%)22 (57.9%)X2 (N = 76, df = 1) = 7.773,  = 0.005
Academic45 (64.3%)32 (40.5%)16 (42.1%)16 (42.1%)
Employment status, n (%)Employment26 (37.1)26 (37.1%)X2 (N = 149, df = 1) = 0.177,  = 0.67414 (36.8%)15 (39.5%)X2 (N = 76, df = 1) = 0.056,  = 0.813
Unemployment44 (62.9%)32 (40.5%)24 (63.2%)23 (60.5%)
First manifestation, n (%)Visual18 (25.7%)28 (35.4%)X2 (N = 149, df = 1) = 2.435,  = 0.29613 (34.2%)13 (34.2%)X2 (N = 70, df = 1) = 0.500,  = 0.779
Motor29 (41.4%)37 (46.8%)18 (47.2%)19 (50.0%)
Brain and brainstem13 (18.6%)9 (11.4%)6 (15.8%)6 (15.8%)
DMT treatment prior to the TRF/DMF treatment initiation, n (%)32 (45.7%)47 (59.5%)X2 (N = 149, df = 1) = 2.829,  = 0.09324 (63.2%)24 (63.2%)X2 (N = 76, df = 1) = 0.000,  = 1.000
Disease duration, y, median (IQR)3.5 (1.0–6.0)6.0 (2.0–12.0)U = 1719,  < 0.0015.0 (1.7–8.2)5.0 (2.0–10.2)U = 705.5,  = 0.863
EDSS prior to the TRF/DMF treatment initiation, median (IQR)1.5 (0.0–2.0)2.0 (1.0–2.0)U = 2555.5,  = 0.4031.25 (0.0–2.0)1.5 (0.0–2.0)U = 697.0,  = 0.787
Relapses within 36 months prior to the TRF/DMF treatment initiation, mean (SD)0.71 ± 0.540.56 ± 0.52MD = −0.14, t (147) = −1.656, = 0.1000.65 ± 0.580.63 ± 0.54MD = -0.02, t (74) = -0.204,  = 0.839
Patients with at least one relapse within 36 months prior to the TRF/DMF treatment initiation, n (%)47 (67.2%)44 (55.7%)X2 (N = 149, df = 1) = 2.045,  = 0.15323 (60.6%)23 (60.6%)X2 (N = 76, df = 1) = 0.000,  = 1.000
Relapses within 12 months prior to the TRF/DMF treatment initiation, mean (SD)0.31 ± 0.460.15 ± 0.39MD = −0.16, t (147) = −2.297,  = 0.0250.26 ± 0.440.23 ± 0.48MD = -0.02, t (74) = -0.245,  = 0.807
Patients with at least one relapse within 12 months prior to the TRF/DMF treatment initiation, n (%)22 (31.4%)11 (14.1)X2 (N = 149, df = 1) = 6.595,  = 0.01010 (26.3%)8 (21.1%)X2 (N = 76, df = 1) = 0.291,  = 0.589

DMF: dimethyl fumarate; TRF: teriflunomide; DMT: disease-modifying therapy; EDSS: expanded disability status scale; MD: mean difference.