Research Article

Development and Evaluation of Evidence-Informed Clinical Nursing Protocols for Remote Assessment, Triage and Support of Cancer Treatment-Induced Symptoms

Table 2

Final search strategy of the electronic databases.

Database Limits Strategy neutropeniaStrategy for diarrhea

Ovid MEDLINE(R) (1996 to July week 1 2008) 2003–2008
(1) exp. neoplasms/(811201)
(2) Neutropenia/(6657)
(3) Febrile neutropenia.ab,ti. (2107)
(4) 1 and 2 or 3 (4892)
(5) Limit 4 to humans and year = “2003–2008” and english or french and guideline or practice guideline (6)
(1) exp. neoplasms/(811201)
(2) exp. diarrhea/(11983)
(3) Diarrhea$.ab,ti. (18069)
(4) Diarrhoea$.ab,ti. (7932)
(5) 1 and 2 or 3 or 4 (4866)
(6) Limit 4 to humans and year = “2003–2008” and english or french and guideline or practice guideline (5)

EMBASE (1996 to 2008 week 28) 2003–2008
(1) exp. neoplasm/(877949)
(2) Febrile neutropenia/(6834)
(3) Febrile neutropenia.ab,ti. (2188)
(4) 1 and 2 or 3 (6474)
(5) exp * practice guideline/(9361)
(6) 4 and 5 (14)
(7) limit 6 to human and year = “2003–2008” and english or french (12)
(1) exp. neoplasm/(876520)
(2) exp. diarrhea/(57553)
(3) Diarrhea$.ab,ti. (17055)
(4) Diarrhoea$.ab,ti. (7543)
(5) 1 and 2 or 3 or 4 (18526)
(6) exp * practice guideline/(9335)
(7) 5 and 6 (18)
(8) Limit 7 to human and year = “2003–2008” and english or french (17)

CINAHL—cumulative index to nursing and allied health literature
(1982 to July week 1 2008)
(1) exp. neoplasms/(89596)
(2) Neutropenia/(816)
(3) Febrile neutropenia.ab,ti. (206)
(4) 1 and (2 or 3) (399)
(5) Limit 4 to year = “2003–2008” and english or french and practice
guidelines (7)
(1) exp. neoplasms/(89596)
(2) Diarrhea/(2449)
(3) Diarrhea$.ab,ti. (2165)
(4) Diarrhoea$.ab,ti. (705)
(5) 1 and 2 or 3 or 4 (475)
(6) Limit 5 to year = “2003–2008” and english or french and practice
guidelines (0)

(2000 to July week 1 2008)
(1) exp. neoplasms/(10572)
(2) Febrile neutropenia.ab,ti. (4)
(3) 1 and 2 (0)
(1) exp. neoplasms/(10572)
(2) Diarrhea/(147)
(3) Diarrhea$.mp. (674)
(4) Diarrhoea$.mp. (137)
(5) 2 or 3 or 4 (768)
(6) 1 and 5 (34)
(7) treatment guidelines/(1947)
(8) 6 and 7 (0)