Research Article

Interprofessional Collaboration in the Detection of and Early Intervention in Child Maltreatment: Employees' Experiences

Table 2

Respondent background characteristics and job-related background factors ( ).

Background factors (%)

 Missing data1 (0.1)
Age in years
 <30 115(13)
 30–39 217(25)
 40–49 285(33)
 Missing data 5 (0.6)
 No vocational qualifications3 (0.3)
 College-level vocational qualifications288(33)
 Bachelor-level (postsecondary level/polytechnic
 Master-level (undergraduate/postgraduate degree)385(45)
 Missing data 7 (0.7)
Work experience at the present unit in years
 ≤1 147(17)
 2–4 182(21)
 11–20 164(19)
 Missing data 20(2.3)
Total work experience in years
 ≤5 160(19)
 6–15 282(33)
 16–25 230(27)
 Missing data 48 (5.5)
Employment status
 Contract 173(20)
 Other6 (0.7)
 Missing data2(0.2)
Time spent working with children
 Less than half of work day155(18)
 Half or more than half of work day700(81)
 Missing data10(1.2)