Research Article

Mental Health Promotion in School: Schoolchildren’s and Families’ Viewpoint

Table 1

Example of statement classification.

Concept of co-operation
Statements, phenomenon Statement group

There’s one (parents’ meeting) in the autumn General communication
Here the school makes a tuition plan, a booklet distributed to all homes
Representatives of the police were here this autumn to talk about general safety
Someone may also have talked about substance abuse
We haven’t had one (a parents’ meeting), at least during the seventh grade
Eight-graders have had some, like, parents’ meetings
There was one open house day when I was in some class

And I do think that they will be in contact with the parents quite a lotChild-specific contacts
I think it’s working well now, the system that we make contact whenever something is troubling us,
but, sure, there could be more communication between the school and home
In my opinion it definitely needs to be more compact
I want things to be sorted out straight away
If there’s something to tell, they will tell it (from school to home)
If the parents haven’t informed the school about missing classes in advance, we must bring an explanatory note for absence 
I personally feel that the school’s contacts with my home have been very poor,
and I use e-mail, you know
If there’s something they should know at school, they will be told.
If I had to work out something like that, I’d make the call

The school and home already co-operate as such partners in upbringingPartnership in upbringing
Co-operation between the school and home is important with these things, supporting and steering and encouraging
The teacher body gives out the message that they are here just to educate others’ children
Teachers say that parents don’t care.