Research Article

Hypertension Education Intervention with Ugandan Nurses Working in Hospital Outpatient Clinic: A Pilot Study

Table 3

Proportion of participants’ correct responses on accurate BP measuring skills with the help of a Standardized Blood Pressure Measurement Techniques Skills Checklist.

Variable—BP measure skillsPercent (pre)Percent (post)

(1) Asks patient about eating, drinking caffeine, smoking071.4
(2) Locates brachial artery85.7100
(3) Rechecks blood pressure
 (i) Waits one to two min before recheck28.685.7
 (ii) Waits for 15 seconds after deflation28.6100
(4) Positions patient’s bare arm on a hard surface42.971.4
(5) Obtains systolic (phase 1) and diastolic BP values (phase 5, or 4)28.6100
(6) Inflates cuff at 10 mmhg increments until the patient’s pulse disappears42.971.4

Data extracted from primary source.