Research Article

Validating SPICES as a Screening Tool for Frailty Risks among Hospitalized Older Adults

Table 3

Odds associated with positive frailty screen and selected validation measures ( ).

Validation measureOdds ratio95% Confidence intervalP value

Concurrent—criterion validity
Vulnerable Elders Survey-13 frail >3 (n = 90)11.077**4.542, 27.013<0.001
Charlson Comorbidity Index ≥2 (n = 125)3.171**1.600, 6.2830.001
Charlson Comorbidity Index ≥4 (n = 63)2.322**1.176, 4.5820.001

Concurrent—construct validity
Age ≥ 80 years (n = 89)4.345**2.240, 8.430<0.001
PHQ-2 screening ≥2 positive for depression (n = 55)2.794**1.364, 5.7230.006
Admitted from a nursing home (n = 20)1.235**1.126, 1.355<0.001
Prior hospital admission within 30 days (n = 48)1.6610.806, 3.3820.220
2+ prior admissions within 6 months (n = 39)1.2530.592, 2.6540.580
4+ active comorbid diagnoses, 1+ not controlled (n = 127)2.794**1.405, 5.5570.004
≥7 prescription medications present on admission (n = 81)2.916**1.505, 5.6490.004
Female gender (n = 102)1.8510.911, 3.4560.058

Predictive validity
Expired during admission (n = 3)1.0280.996, 1.0610.294
Any hospital adverse event* (n = 67)3.041**1.527, 6.0540.001
Readmission within 30 days (n = 38)1.2350.580, 2.6270.705

Adverse events summarized as one or more of the following: one or more falls (n = 5); hospital acquired pressure ulcer (n = 2); transfer to higher level of care (n = 10); complication from procedure (n = 9); any hospital acquired infection (n = 10); adverse drug reaction (n = 22); length of stay ≥7 days (n = 51). **indicates significant odds ratios.