Research Article

The Impact of Perceived Stress and Coping Adequacy on the Health of Nurses: A Pilot Investigation

Table 6

Preventive health and screening behaviors in the past year comparison by stress and coping.

Within the past 1 year (%Perceived stress & coping valueTest statistic
High stress and poor copingHigh stress or poor copingLow stress and good coping

Mammogram46 (38%)31%38%67%0.077.72
Pap test72 (60%)56%62%67%0.105.40
Colonoscopy11 (9%)8%9%17%0.096.30
Blood sugar profile56 (47%)37%46%59%0.068.10
Blood lipid profile57 (48%)40%46%70%0.011.70
Blood pressure check112 (93%)91%92%97%0.813.06
General physical exam94 (78%)60%77%90%0.012.06

(%) of those nurses who had a particular test or screening out of the total population.
Statistically significant differences across the groups measured by Chi-Square tests at .