Research Article

Knowledge and Attitude towards Exclusive Breast Feeding among Mothers Attending Antenatal and Immunization Clinic at Dabat Health Center, Northwest Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Institution Based Study

Table 4

Questionnaire used to collect the research data.
(a) Sociodemographic characteristics

Sr. numberQuestionResponseRemark

()Age—————— years

()Religion (1) Orthodox
(2) Muslim
(3) Catholic
(4) Protestant
(5) Other (specify) - - - - - - - - - -

()Ethnicity(1) Amhara
(2) Tigray
() Afar
(4) Agew
(5) Other (specify) - - - - - - - - - -

()Marital status(1) Married
(2) Single
(3) Divorced/separated
(4) Widowed

()Educational status(1) Not able to read and write
(2) Can read and write or informal education
(3) Primary (1–8)
(4) Secondary school (9-10)
(5) 10 + 2 and above

()Occupational status(1) Government employee
(2) Private employee
(3) Daily-laborer
(4) Housewife
(5) Housemaid/servant
() Merchant
() Farmer  
() Others (specify) - - - - - - - - -

()Residency(1) Urban
(2) Rural

()Parity- - - - - - - - - -

()Gravidity- - - - - - - - - -

()ANC follow-up (1) Only one time
(2) Twice
(3) Three times
(4) Four times

(b) Questions about knowledge of mothers towards exclusive breast feeding

Sr. numberQuestionResponseRemark

()Do you know about exclusive breast feeding?(1) Yes
(2) No

() What is your source of information?(1) Friends
(2) Mass media
(3) Health institutions

()Right time to give breast milk?(1) After giving some butter
(2) Within an hour
(3) After one hour
(4) After 24 hours

()What do you do with the first milk or colostrum?(1) Discard
(2) Feed immediately

() What is the right time to start complementary foods?(1) 3 months or less
(2) 4 months
(3) 5 months
(4) 6 months
(5) 7 months or above

() What are the foods and/or fluids recommended to give a child under 6 months?(1) Only breast milk
(2) Breast milk and/or plain water
(3) Infant formula food or animal milk?
(4) Others (specify) …………

() Is prelacteal feeding needed for an infant before starting breast milk?(1) Yes
(2) No
(3) I do not know

()Is breast milk alone being enough for an infant during the first 6 months of life?(1) Yes
(2) No
(3) I do not know

() Is exclusive breast feeding for the first 6 months used to prevent diarrheal and respiratory diseases for the infant?(1) Yes
(2) No
(3) I do not know

(c) Questions related to attitude of mothers towards exclusive breast feeding

Sr. numberQuestionsResponseRemark

()Giving breast milk for a newborn immediately within an hour after birth is important?(1) Strongly agree
(2) Agree
(3) Disagree
(4) Strongly disagree

()Discarding the first milk or colostrum is important before giving breast milk to a newborn?(1) Strongly agree
(2) Agree
(3) Disagree
(4) Strongly disagree

()Giving a child of three months only breast milk may not be sufficient and a child needs water and other fluids to prevent thirst?(1) Strongly agree
(2) Agree
(3) Disagree
(4) Strongly disagree

()Starting complementary foods to a child before six months is important?(1) Strongly agree
(2) Agree
(3) Disagree
(4) Strongly disagree