Research Article

Hesitancy toward Childhood Vaccinations: Preliminary Results from an Albanian Nursing Staff’s Investigation

Table 2

Correct responses on 10 clinical conditions or contraindications to administering the hexavalent vaccine.

Your patient is scheduled to receive the second dose of hexavalent vaccines. Which of the following conditions do you consider contraindicated?Correct answerNurses answering correctly n (%)

Severe allergic reactions to a previous dose including anaphylaxisPermanent contraindication39 (60.9)
Fever following a previous doseFalse contraindication25 (39.1)
Acute severe gastroenteritisTemporary contraindication22 (34.4)
Otitis media without feverFalse contraindication17 (26.6)
Family history of adverse reactions following a pertussis vaccine doseFalse contraindication28 (43.8)
Acute upper airway infection without feverFalse contraindication14 (21.9)
History of mumpsFalse contraindication27 (42.2)
Diagnosis of epilepsy well controlledFalse contraindication22 (34.4)
Fever 38–40° and moderate illnessTemporary contraindication34 (53.1)
Fever >40° and severe illnessTemporary contraindication19 (29.7)