Research Article

How to Measure “Short-Term Hormonal Effects”?

Table 2

Internal structure of the “Short-term Hormonal Effects (SHEs)” scale (factorial analysis; Italian normative survey; n = 228). The analysis determined five domains (explaining 66.1% of the total variance). The numbers in the table are factor loadings. Only loadings over 0.5 are shown.


Items(1) SEX(2) MENS(3) HORM(4) PSYCH(5) Abdom

(1)Depressive mood0.76
(2)Feeling worried0.83
(3)Restlessness or irritability0.77
(4)Increased appetite, food cravings0.67
(5)Temporary weight gain0.80
(6)Swelling of extremities0.81
(7)Painful menstrual period0.85
(8)Significant premenstrual complaints that improve when the menstrual flow began0.80
(9)Strong menstrual bleeding0.81
(10)Less sexual fantasies/thoughts0.83
(11)Less satisfaction/enjoyment with sexual act0.83
(12)Reduced sexual arousal0.82
(13)Abdominal pain0.61
(14)Cyclic bleedings from guts or bladder0.79
(15)Cramps of guts or bladder0.50