Clinical Study

The Abandoned Radical Hysterectomy for Cervical Cancer: Clinical Predictors and Outcomes

Table 2

Surgical-and radiation-related complications.

ComplicationAbandoned ( )Completed ( )OR, 95% CI and -value

 Bowel perforation/obstruction11
 Hemorrhage ( 1500 cc)1
 Ureteral injury1
 Iliac vein laceration1
 Neurogenic/denervated bladder1

Total surgical complications (0.92, [0.08–6.633] and 1)

 Radiation enteritis/proctitis12
 Bowel obstruction1
 Severe diarrhea requiring TPN1
 Rectovaginal fistula1
 Radiation cystitis2
 Vaginal stenosis1

Total radiation complications (0.64, [0.10–2.98] and 0.738)

Total (0.69, [0.16–2.57] and 0.789)

Note: All complications were grade 3 or higher. Some patients had more than one complication.