Clinical Study

A Comparison of Complications between Open Abdominal Sacrocolpopexy and Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy for the Treatment of Vault Prolapse

Table 5

Patients with complications 6 weeks postoperative (PP-analysis).

Laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy
Open abdominal sacrocolpopexy

Complications 6 weeks postoperative .527
 One or more complications16.7% (7)21.4% (9)
  Constipation11.6% (5)7.1% (3)
  De novo stress incontinence2.3% (1)7.1% (3)
  De novo urinary incontinence2.3% (1)
  Recurrent urinary tract infections4.8% (2)
  Bothersome pain around incision2.4% (1)