Research Article

Mode of Vaginal Delivery: A Modifiable Intrapartum Risk Factor for Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injury

Table 3

Summary of bivariate analysis results.

VariableCategoriesOASI NO OASI value

Maternal ageYears31.33 (4.95)31.02 (5.50) = 0.541

ParityPrimipara70 (2.9%)2324 (97%)
Multipara27 (1.3%)2104 (98.7)

Labor onsetSpontaneous75 (2%)3622 (98%) = 0.287
Induction22 (2.7%)807 (97.3%)

Delivery durationHours6.15 (3.64)6.15 (5.04) = 0.995

AnesthesiaWithout8 (1.1%)736 (98.9%)
With89 (2.4%)3693 (97.6%)

Type of deliverySpontaneous33 (1.1%)3076 (98.9%)
Vacuum extraction4 (2.7%)145 (97.3)
Forceps25 (4.5%)528 (95.5%)
Thierry’s spatulas35 (4.9%)680 (95.1%)

AssistantOBGYN18 (5.7%)298 (94.3%)
OBGYN trainee63 (2.3%)2943 (97.7%)
Midwife4 (1.1%)349 (98.9%)
Midwife trainee6 (0.7%)822 (99.3%)

Neonatal weightGrams3438.35 (408.40)3263.89 (508.93)

Umbilical cord pHUmbilical artery7.22 (0.074)7.23 (0.001) = 0.181

Categorical variables: number and percentageof cases.
Quantitative variables: mean and standard deviation.