Research Article

Attitude towards the Practice of Female Genital Cutting among School Boys and Girls in Somali and Harari Regions, Eastern Ethiopia

Table 4

Knowledge of respondents about FGC in Somali and Harari regions, Eastern Ethiopia.

Reported answers of the respondents about knowledge of FGCFrequency
Percentage By regions By gender

Do you think FGC is against law?
 Yes38380.1199 (82.9%)184 (77.3%)173 (74.6%)210 (85.4%)
 No347.112 (5%)22 (9.2%)21 (9.1%)13 (5.3%)
 I do not know6112.829 (12.1%)32 (13.4%)38 (16.4%)23 (9.3%)

Do you think your religion supports FGC?
 Yes6814.224 (10%)44 (18.5%)40 (17.2%)28 (11.4%)
 No35373.8187 (77.9%)166 (69.7%)169 (72.8%)184 (74.8%)
 I do not know5711.929 (12.1%)28 (11.8%)23 (9.9%)34 (13.8%)

Do you think marriage needs FGC?
 Yes8517.832 (13.3%)53 (22.3%)42 (18.1%)43 (17.5%)
 No18238.163 (26.2%)119 (50%)141 (60.8%)41 (16.7%)
 I do not know21144.1145 (60.4%)66 (27.7%)49 (21.1%)162 (65.9%)

Do you perform FGC on your daughter?
 Yes8618.024 (10%)62 (26.1%)43 (18.5%)43 (17.5%)
 No39282.0216 (90%)176 (73.9%)189 (81.5%)203 (82.5%)

If no how do you protect your daughter?
 By being against FGC133.3%12 (5.6%)1 (0.6%)7 (3.7%)6 (3%)
 By teaching the community37996.7%204 (94.4%)175 (99.4%)182 (96.3%)197 (97%)
 Male preference for marriage
 A circumcised girl4318.515 (14%)28 (22.4%)
 Uncircumcised girl13658.660 (56.1%)76 (60.8%)
 No difference4017.219 (17.8%)21 (16.8%)
 Do not know135.613 (12.1%)0 (0%)