Research Article

Effect of Increased Endometrial Thickness and Implantation Rate by Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor on Unresponsive Thin Endometrium in Fresh In Vitro Fertilization Cycles: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Table 3

Comparing mean outcomes of the studied groups.

VariablesControl group ()Investigation group () value

Day of hCG injection (ET1)0.80
Day of oocyte retrieval (ET2)0.001
Difference of ET1 and ET2 ()0.001
Embryo transfer (ET3)0.001
Difference of ET2 and ET3 ()0.11
Mean number of retrieved oocytes0.001
Mean number of metaphase II oocytes0.99
Difference of endometrial thickness on embryo transfer and hCG injection days0.001