Research Article

Maternal Satisfaction on Delivery Service among Postnatal Mothers in a Government Hospital, Mid-Western Nepal

Table 12

Association between obstetric characteristics of postnatal mothers and maternal satisfaction.

Variables ()Satisfied, N (%)Dissatisfied, N (%) valueUnadjusted OR (95% CI)

Multiparous76 (93.8)5 (6.2)0.1112.352 (0.801–6.907)
Primiparous84 (86.6)13 (13.4)1

Planned pregnancy
Yes149 (89.8)17 (10.2)1.000a0.797 (0.097–6.557)
No11 (91.7)1 (8.3)1

Number of ANC
Less than 4 times29 (90.6)3 (9.4)1.000a1.107 (0.301–4.075)
4 and more than 4 times131 (89.7)15 (10.3)1

Mode of present delivery
Spontaneous vaginal delivery115 (90.6)12 (9.4)0.6431.278 (0.452–3.611)
Caesarean section45 (88.2)6 (11.8)1

Complication of newborn
Yes15 (93.8)1 (6.2)0.5911.759 (0.218–14.157)
No145 (89.5)17 (10.7)1

Pearson’s chi-square test; value significant at <0.05 level; aFisher’s exact test; 1 = reference.