Research Article

Prevalence and Factors Associated with Hydatidiform Mole among Patients Undergoing Uterine Evacuation at Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital

Figure 3

Complete hydatidiform mole slides. Histology and immunohistochemistry of two of the cases of complete hydatidiform mole. (a) Case MP115/17 H&E at 4x original showing enlarged villi with circumferential trophoblasts. Same case with p57 immunohistochemistry showing negative stromal and cytotrophoblast staining at 4x original (b) and 20x original (c). Note the syncytiotrophoblast stains focally positive in the nucleus and faintly in the cytoplasm. (d) H&E at 4x original of case MP1211/16; note the variety of villous sizes with cisternae and some with circumferential trophoblast hyperplasia. p57 immunohistochemistry at 4x original (e) and 10x original (f); note the lack of villous stromal reactivity but the presence of extravillous and villous syncytiotrophoblast staining.