Research Article

Risk of Selected Fetal Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes at Advanced Maternal Age: A Retrospective Cohort Study in Debre Markos Referral Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia

Table 2

Distribution of obstetrics related characteristics over grouped maternal age in Debre Markos referral hospital, Northwest Ethiopia, 2019 (NE = 303 and NNe = 604).

CharacteristicsNonexposed group (%)Exposed group (%)

Primigravida318 (52.6)23 (7.6)
Multigravida286 (47.4)280 (92.4)

Preceding birth interval (NE=277 and NNe=263)
<2 years29 (11)20 (7.2)
≥2 years234 (89)257 (92.8)

Primiparous341 (56.5)26 (8.6)
Multiparous249 (41.2)172 (56.8)
Grand multiparous14 (2.3)105 (34.7)

ANC follow-up
Yes586 (97)283 (93.4)
No18 (3)20 (6.6)

Number of ANC Visit (NE=283 and NNe=586)
Less than 4188 (32.1)111 (39.2)
4 and more398 (67.9)172 (60.8)

Iron folate supplemented (NE=283 and NNe=586)
Yes562 (96)274 (96.8)
No24 (4)9 (3.2)

Previous adverse px outcomes
Yes113 (18.7)150 (49.5)
No491 (81.3)153 (50.5)