Research Article

Enhanced Prostacyclin Synthesis by Adenoviral Gene Transfer Reduced Glial Activation and Ameliorated Dopaminergic Dysfunction in Hemiparkinsonian Rats

Table 1

Effect of Ad-PGIS gene transfer on the proliferative activity in mixed glial cells.

Thymidine incorporation[14C] 6-keto-PGF1α

Control 100 4
Ad-PGK 103 2
Ad-PGIS * 750 5**

Subconfluent rat glial cells in 24-well plates or 6 cm dishes were infected with Ad ( 5 pfu/w) for 2 days. [3H]-thymidine (0.5  Ci) was added to culture (in 24-well plate) 10 hrs before cell harvest. Trichloroacetic-acid-(TCA-) insoluble fraction (radioactivity) was collected and counted. For glial cells grown in 6 cm dishes, cells were incubated with 10  M [1-14C] AA for 10 min. [1-14C] AA metabolites in the medium were then processed for HPLC analysis. Data are expressed as means ± SEM from 4 independent repeats. * ; ** by one way ANOVA.