Review Article

Metal Dyshomeostasis and Inflammation in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases: Possible Impact of Environmental Exposures

Table 2

Environmental toxins linked to neuronal diseases.

Environmental toxins (linked to brain disease)Implicated disease/condition in humans or in animal studiesReferences

Cyanobacterial toxins (MCs, BMAA)Tau hyperphosphorylation in AD (MC) and protein misfolding (BMAA)[79, 83, 87]
SmokingDementia, AD[25]
ParaquatCell death dopaminergic neurons (Bcl-2 induced) and PD possibly by mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress[6, 136, 137]
Rotenone Oxidative stress, potent inhibitor of mitochondrial complex I, nigrostriatal cell death (Bcl-2 induced) and PD[8, 138]
Dieldrin PD[139]
Diesel exhaust particles (air pollution)PD[140]
Lindane PD[141]
Mancozeb PD[142]
Maneb Oxidative stress, cell death (Bcl-2 induced), and PD[6, 142]
3-nitropropionateInhibits succinate dehydrogenase; striatal degeneration; Huntington's disease [143, 144]
TrichloroethyleneMitochondrial dysfunction in striatum and PD[145]
1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,5,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)Oxidative stress, cell death (Bcl-2 induced), and PD[7]
Insecticides (Lorsban, Dursban, or other chlorpyrifos products)PD[146]
Metals (e.g., manganese, copper)PD[147149]
Nanoparticles in air emissionsBrain functional deficits?[150]