Research Article

Hemin Attenuates Cisplatin-Induced Acute Renal Injury in Male Rats

Figure 2

Electron micrographs of kidney of control rats. (a) Note the glomerulus has podocytes (P) which remain in contact with GBM by foot processes (arrows). The glomerular capillaries (Cap) are lined by endothelial cells (E) which are richly fenestrated and supported by mesangial cells (MCs) with their surrounding extracellular matrix. (b) Proximal tubules have well-developed brush border microvilli (BBM), and their lining epithelia contain large number of mitochondria (with normal feature) (M), few lysosomes (Ly), and many basal infoldings (F), N: nucleus. (c) Epithelial lining of distal tubule with apical nuclei (N), numerous mitochondria (M), short cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum, and few microvilli toward the lumen (L).