Review Article

Isoprostanes and Neuroprostanes as Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress in Neurodegenerative Diseases

Table 1

Isoprostanes as markers of oxidative stress in neurodegenerative diseases.

Classes of isoprostanesMaterialDiseaseStudyVersus controlReference

F2-IsoPs CSF*, post
mortem brain
tissue, plasma, urinary
Alzheimer diseasevivo High[10ā€“13, 32]
Creutzfeldt-Jakobvivo/vitro High[17, 18, 53]
Huntington diseasevivo High[54]

8-iso PGF 2alfaUrineSPMS**vivo 6-fold[55]
CSFRRMS***vivo Higher[9, 53, 56, 57]
ALS****vivo Higher[5, 19, 58]

CSF*: cerebrospinal fluid; SPMS**: secondary-progressive type of multiple sclerosis; RRMS***: relapsing-remitting type of multiple sclerosis. ALS****: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.