Research Article

Ovarian Aging-Like Phenotype in the Hyperandrogenism-Induced Murine Model of Polycystic Ovary

Figure 1

(a) Lower magnification (40x) of ovarian section showing normal folliculogenesis as well as several CL from the control rat. (b) Higher magnification (400x) of control ovary showing fresh CL. (c) Section of ovary from PCO rats showing multiple fluid-filled subcapsular cysts (40x). (d) Another section of ovary from PCO rats with two preantral and antral cystic follicles having hyperplastic theca cells along with thin granulosa cell layers. Two preantral and antral degenerating atretic follicles are also seen in this section (100x). (e) The completely luteinized granulosa cells are clear in an atretic follicle with a malformed oocyte (400x). (f) Higher magnification of a segmented oocyte in an atretic follicle with typical ZP thickness and also ZP breakdown and fragmentation (1000x). AAF: atretic antral follicle; APF: atretic preantral follicle; PAF: precocious antrum formation; C: cystic follicle; CL: corpora lutea; DGC: degenerated granulosa cells; HTC: hyperplasia of theca cells; LGC: luteinized granulosa cells; MO: malformed oocyte; OS: oocyte segmentation; PAF: precocious antrum formation; TZP: thicken zona pellucida; ZPB: zona pellucida breakdown.