Research Article

Nuclear Nox4 Role in Stemness Power of Human Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells

Figure 3

Effect of donor heterogeneity on Nox4 localization and nuclear ROS production. (a) Representative images showing superimposing between DAPI (blue) and Nox4 (green) signals of 4 different AFSC cultures. Scale bar: 10 μm. (b) Representative images of western blot analysis of nuclei of samples 1–4 of AFSC revealed with Nox4. Actin detection was performed in order to show the amount of protein loaded in each line. Presented data are representative of three independent experiments. (c) Representative graph showing fluorescence obtained with nuclear ROS probe (nuclear peroxy emerald 1) normalized to protein content of AFSC samples. ; significantly different from sample 1.