Review Article

Tau Hyperphosphorylation and Oxidative Stress, a Critical Vicious Circle in Neurodegenerative Tauopathies?

Figure 2

Schematic representation of the distribution of tau phosphorylation sites on the longest tau isoform (441 amino acids). The two amino-terminal inserts are demonstrated by E2 and E3. The microtubule-binding domains are represented with R(1–4). Physiologic tau phosphorylation comprises approximately 10 phosphorylated residues. The physiologically phosphorylated residues are shown in purple and cluster in the proline-rich domain (PRD) and in the C-terminal region. The number of phosphorylated residues rises to 45 on the longest tau isoform from Alzheimer brain with the appearance of phosphorylated residues shown in red. The two amino-terminal inserts and repeat regions are not physiologically phosphorylated in adult human brain. A number of phosphorylation sites are detected in both regions on the longest tau isoform from Alzheimer brain.