Research Article

The Loss of Cellular Junctions in Epithelial Lung Cells Induced by Cigarette Smoke Is Attenuated by Corilagin

Figure 11

Effects of corilagin on NFκB. 24 hr of pretreatment with corilagin decreases the activation of NFκB induced by CS. WB shown in the top panel (a) is representative of five independent experiments. In the bottom of panel (a) is shown the quantification of nuclear NFκB protein levels. Data are expressed as arbitrary units (average of five independent experiments; ; versus C). Lamin B1 was used as loading control. Corilagin inhibits the interaction between NFκB and oligonucleotides mimicking NFκB binding sites (panel (b) NFκB consensus sequence A; panel (c) NFκB consensus sequence B). EMSA analysis was performed on binding reactions conducted in the presence of the indicated nM concentrations of corilagin.