Research Article

Changes in Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Enzyme Activities in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes Mellitus in Rats: Role of Alhagi maurorum Extracts

Figure 4

Paraffin sections stained by hematoxylin and eosin for histopathological examination of hepatocytes of rats: (a) liver tissue of control showing normal structure, central vein (C.V), normal arrangement of hepatic cords, normal blood sinusoids (), and hepatocytes (); (b) liver tissue of diabetic rats (STZ) showing hepatocyte vacuolization and fatty changes (red arrow), necrosis (green arrow), dilation of hepatic sinusoids () also, bile duct and portal vein (□), and cell infiltration (○); (c and d) liver tissue of diabetic rats + WE and diabetic rats + EE extracts of Alhagi showing normal structure, central vein (C.V), normal arrangement of hepatic cords, normal blood sinusoids and hepatocytes, few necroses, less degenerative changes, and vacuolization. H&E, 400x.