Clinical Study

Relationship between the Peroxidation of Leukocytes Index Ratio and the Improvement of Postprandial Metabolic Stress by a Functional Food

Figure 2

Line plots showing the serum levels as means ± standard errors () in plasma glucose (GLU, (a)), insulin (INS, (b)), triglycerides (TG, (c)), and uric acid (UA, (d)), following high fat and carbohydrates meal ingestion with control (HFHCM-C) or Snello (HFHCM-S) cookies. Two-Way Repeated Measures ANOVA followed by Student-Newman-Keuls post hoc analysis. A: ; B: ; C: , single time point versus before meal intake within HFHCM-C; Y: ; Z: , single time point versus before meal intake within HFHCM-S; , HFHCM-S versus HFHCM-C within time.