Clinical Study

Relationship between the Peroxidation of Leukocytes Index Ratio and the Improvement of Postprandial Metabolic Stress by a Functional Food

Table 1

Macronutrient composition of the two meals.

KcalLipids (saturated)ProteinsCarbohydrates (sugars)

HFHCM-C (total)831.440.9 (29.6)6.9105.7 (63.3)
Panna cotta with caramel (240 g)647.434.3 (27.4)4.377.5 (54.5)
Control cookies (40 g)1846.6 (2.2)2.628.2 (8.8)

HFHCM-S (total)846.440.6 (31.2)6.8108.8 (65.0)
Panna cotta with caramel (240 g)647.434.3 (27.4)4.377.5 (54.5)
Snello cookie (48 g)1996.3 (3.8)2.5 31.3 (10.5)

C: control cookies; HFHCM: high fat and high carbohydrates meals; S: Snello cookie.