Research Article

Immediate Remote Ischemic Postconditioning Reduces Brain Nitrotyrosine Formation in a Piglet Asphyxia Model

Figure 1

RIPostC decreases nitrotyrosine deposits in the brain 48 hours after HI. (a) Representative nitrotyrosine staining from the hippocampus at 48 hours after HI in HI alone (upper panel) and HI + RIPostC (lower panel). Naïve brain has also been stained to demonstrate the lack of nitrotyrosine deposits in health tissue (left panel). (b) Mean nitrotyrosine scores across multiple brain regions in HI alone and in RIPostC-treated piglets. (c) Overall brain nitrotyrosine scores 48 hours after HI. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM in ANOVA, per group, and . dCTX1–3 = dorsal cortex 1–3; mCTX = midtemporal cortex; PYR = pyriform cortex; THAL = thalamus; Caudt = caudate; PTMN = putamen; IC = internal capsule; PvWM = periventricular white matter.