Clinical Study

A Case-Control Study of Involvement of Oxidative DNA Damage and Alteration of Antioxidant Defense System in Patients with Basal Cell Carcinoma: Modulation by Tumor Removal

Table 2

Comparison of urinary oxidative DNA damage levels and plasma antioxidant defense status between control subjects and BCC patients.

ParametersControls ()Cases ()
Before surgery1 month after surgeryBefore surgery1 month after surgery6 months after surgery

8-oxo-dGuo (ng/mg creatinine)61.92 ± 17.3571.51 ± 16.68110.08 ± 30.09106.65 ± 26.1764.44 ± 19.02
CAT (unit/mg protein)4.38 ± 0.803.96 ± 0.682.55 ± 0.434.34 ± 1.13
GPx (unit/mg protein)0.77 ± 0.200.77 ± 0.210.42 ± 0.130.75 ± 0.11
NQO1 (µmole DCPIP reduced/min/mg protein)928.25 ± 203.20977.87 ± 184.54708.53 ± 112.661010.30 ± 281.00
Total SOD (unit/mg protein)0.02 ± 0.010.02 ± 0.000.04 ± 0.010.04 ± 0.01
GSH (µmol/mg protein)152.19 ± 44.88156.92 ± 40.41235.76 ± 42.75220.93 ± 52.44

Results were expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD).
compared to control, before surgery.
compared to case, before surgery.