Research Article

Oxidation-Reduction Potential as a Biomarker for Severity and Acute Outcome in Traumatic Brain Injury

Table 1

Participant demographics.

DemographicMean (95% CI)Median (IQR)

Age (years)54.53 (50.0–59.0)55.5 (34–76)104
AIS-head score 3.85 (3.7–4.0)4 (3–5)104
ISS 18.77 (17.4–20.2)17 (14–25)104
GCS11.27 (10.3–12.3)14 (7–15)91
ICU LOS 6.18 (5.1–7.3)4.5 (2–9)104
Hospital LOS 12.51 (10.6–14.4)10 (6.5–15)104
ED, pulse 86.81 (83.0–90.7)86 (73–96)102
ED, temperature (°F)97.60 (97.1–98.0)97.8 (96.8–98.4)45
ED, respiratory rate 16.77 (15.5–18.0)16.5 (14–20)102
ED, systolic BP 139.38
134 (124–154)102
ED, diastolic BP 79.79 (76.0–83.60)82.5 (71–89)52
ED, probability of survival 0.86 (0.82–0.91)0.96
sORP at admission 187.78
185.9 (172.2–205.2)89
icORP at admission 4.42 (4.2–4.7)4.46 (3.5–5.3)89

Gender (ratio females : males)37 : 67104
Number of complications (%) 104

ED: emergency department; LOS: length of stay.