Research Article

Phytochemical Composition, Antifungal and Antioxidant Activity of Duguetia furfuracea A. St.-Hill

Table 2

Total phenolic contents and flavonoids present in extract and fractions of D. furfuracea.

SamplesTotal phenolic contentsTotal flavonoids
mg of GEA/g of the samplemg of EQ/g of the sample

HEDF231.26 ± 1.1576.26 ± 2.73
Mt-OH289.33 ± 1.2287.57 ± 2.48
Ac-OEt657.05 ± 6.33120.9 ± 2.53

The values were expressed as mean ± SD (); EAC: equivalent of gallic acid; EQ: equivalent of quercetin. Averages followed by different letters differ by Tukey’s test at .