Research Article

Differential Mitochondrial Adaptation in Primary Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells from a Diabetic Rat Model

Figure 3

(a) Baseline reactive oxygen species differences between Wistar and GK SMCs in NG (5 mM). Hydrogen peroxide was measured by Amplex Red (), and superoxide was detected as a percentage of total mitochondria using MitoTracker and MitoSOX fluorescence on live cells with flow cytometry (). Representative flow cytometry figures of Wistar SMCs (left) and GK SMCs (right) are presented. (b) Mitochondrial antioxidant status was measured with Western blot, 15–30 μg protein on an SDS-page gel, and data are normalized to β-actin and expressed as mean fold change from Wistar SMCs + SEM. Significance measured by Student’s -test, .