Clinical Study

Training Enhances Immune Cells Mitochondrial Biosynthesis, Fission, Fusion, and Their Antioxidant Capabilities Synergistically with Dietary Docosahexaenoic Supplementation

Table 3

Oxidative damage in PBMCs.


(nmol/109 cells)
Placebo440 ± 70160 ± 10X
Experimental510 ± 70330 ± 40

Protein Carbonyls (%)Placebo100 ± 30838 ± 78X
Experimental94 ± 22792 ± 65

Statistical analysis: two-way ANOVA, . () significant effect of training period, () significant effect of supplementation, () significant interaction between both factors. One-way ANOVA, . #: significant differences between initial and final training period.