Research Article

Increased Circulating Levels of Interleukin-6 Induce Perturbation in Redox-Regulated Signaling Cascades in Muscle of Dystrophic Mice

Figure 1

Analysis of redox-regulating signaling in the diaphragm muscle of 2-week-old dystrophic mice. Western blot analysis (right panels show representative images) for the expression of gp91phox (a) and Nrf2 (c) proteins in 2-week-old wild-type (WT), mdx, and mdx/IL6 mice. Values represent mean ± SEM; to 6 mice per group. , , and compared to WT mice; # between mdx and mdx/IL6 littermates by ANOVA. Real-time PCR analysis performed on diaphragm muscles from WT, mdx, and mdx/IL6 mice at 2 weeks of age for the expression of SIRT1 (b) and utrophin (Utrn) (e). Values are reported as fold change in expression and represent mean ± SEM; to 12 per group. , compared to WT mice; # (by ANOVA). (d) Blockade of IL-6 receptor by moAb-IL6R neutralizing antibody reduces the amount of DHE-derived fluorescence in treated mdx compared to untreated mdx mice. Graphs (left panel) show the quantification of DHE total intensity in the muscles of indicated genotypes. The right panel shows representative images of DHE staining from the muscle sections of 4-week-old mdx/IL-6 and moAb-IL6R-treated and untreated mdx mice. Scale bar, 100 μm. Values represent mean ± SEM; independent experiments. , ## using ANOVA. In (a) and (c), the lanes were run on the same gel but were not contiguous.