Research Article

Cardioprotective Effect of Resveratrol in a Postinfarction Heart Failure Model

Figure 4

RES treatment moderated ISO-induced interstitial collagen deposition and protein nitrosylation in ISO-induced heart failure. (a) Representative sections stained with Masson’s trichrome, scale bar: 500 μm, and magnification is10-fold. Control: age-matched control rats. RES: age-matched animals treated with resveratrol for 8 weeks. ISO: age-matched animals 8 weeks after ISO administration. ISO + RES: age-matched animals treated with resveratrol, 8 weeks after ISO administration. Values are mean ± SEM, (ISO versus control group), and (ISO + RES versus ISO group). (b) Representative immunohistochemical stainings for nitrotyrosine (NT, brown staining, scale bar: 500 μm, and 10x magnification) in the myocardium of the following: control: age-matched control rats; RES: age-matched animals treated with resveratrol for 8 weeks; ISO: age-matched animals 8 weeks after ISO administration; and ISO + RES: age-matched animals treated with resveratrol, 8 weeks after ISO administration. Values are mean ± SEM, # (ISO versus control group), and (ISO + RES versus ISO group).