Research Article

Identification of Patients Affected by Mitral Valve Prolapse with Severe Regurgitation: A Multivariable Regression Model

Table 1

Patient demographics.

Control MVP value

Age (years)57.3 []60.1 []0.291
Sex (male)19 (65.5%)29 (67.4%)0.865
Diabetes3 (10.3%)3 (7.0%)0.685
Hypertension14 (48.3%)16 (37.2%)0.660
Hypercholesterolemia14 (48.3%)25 (58.1%)0.688
Smokers6 (20.7%)5 (11.6%)0.514
Total cholesterol (mg/dL)0.973
Triglycerides (mg/dL)0.690
HDL (mg/dL)0.249
LDL (mg/dL)0.658
NYHA class0.001
 I29 (100%)19 (44.2%)
 II17 (39.5%)
 III7 (16.3)
Drug therapies
Antiplatelets (%)1 (3%)2 (5%)1.00
Angiotensin receptor blockers (%)4 (14%)3 (7%)0.429
Converting enzyme inhibitors (%)5 (17%)14 (32%)0.295
Calcium channel blockers (%)3 (10%)3 (7%)0.679
Beta-blockers (%)1 (3%)16 (37%)0.007
Nitrates (%)0 (0%)1 (2%)1.00
Statins (%)6 (21%)6 (14%)0.527

BMI: body mass index; HDL: high-density lipoprotein; LDL: low-density lipoprotein; NYHA: New York Heart Association. [minimum, maximum]; (percentage); mean ± standard error.