Research Article

The Inhibitory Effect of WenxinKeli on H9C2 Cardiomyocytes Hypertrophy Induced by Angiotensin II through Regulating Autophagy Activity

Figure 4

Transmission electron microscopy analysis of cardiomyocytes. (a) The control group (a1: 5000x, a2: 12,000x). (b) The AngII group (a1: 5000x, a2: 12,000x), the black housing showing autophagosomes surrounded by double membranes. (c) The AngII + 5 g/L + WXKL group (a1: 5000x, a2: 12,000x). Scale: 1 μm (a1, b1, and c1), 200 nm (a2, b2, and c2).