Research Article

Enhancement of Antioxidant Mechanisms and Reduction of Oxidative Stress in Chickens after the Administration of Drinking Water Enriched with Polyphenolic Powder from Olive Mill Waste Waters

Figure 5

Nitroblue tetrazolium salt (NBT) assay of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in chicken plasma. Percent inhibition of superoxide production from 100 μl of chicken plasma after treatment for 25 and 45 days with water (group A; control) or water containing polyphenols at 20 μg/ml (group B) or at 50 μg/ml (group C). Percent inhibition indicates the amount by which the plasma samples inhibited NBT reduction relative to a nonplasma containing control reaction. Significantly different from the value of the control group at the same sampling time (). #Significant differences between the values of the same group, measured at different sampling times ().