Research Article

Oleic Acid and Hydroxytyrosol Inhibit Cholesterol and Fatty Acid Synthesis in C6 Glioma Cells

Figure 4

Oleic acid and/or hydroxytyrosol modulation of ACC, FAS, and HMGCR activities. After 4 h incubation with 25 μM of OA, HTyr, or OA + HTyr, the indicated enzyme activities were assayed in digitonin-permeabilized C6 cells. Values, expressed as percentage of control, are means ± SD of five independent experiments. Control-specific activities were ACC, 0.178 ± 0.011 [1-14C]acetyl-CoA inc/min/mg protein; FAS, 0.051 ± 0.003 nmol [1-14C]acetyl-CoA inc/min/mg protein; HMGCR, 33.6 ± 1.9 pmol [3-14C]HMG-CoA inc/min/mg protein. Within the same group, samples bearing different letters differ significantly (). OA: oleic acid; HTyr: hydroxytyrosol.