Research Article

Low-Dose Ionizing Radiation Affects Mesenchymal Stem Cells via Extracellular Oxidized Cell-Free DNA: A Possible Mediator of Bystander Effect and Adaptive Response

Figure 4

Low-dose radiation and cfDNAox and cfDNAoxR fragments cause oxidation in nuclear DNA. (a, b) Cells stained with antibodies to 8-oxodG (secondary FITC-conjugated antibodies) and DAPI (fluorescence microscopy, 40x (a), 100x (b)). (c, d) Flow cytometry detection of 8-oxodG: (c) (1) analysis of irradiated MSCs stained with antibodies to 8-oxodG FL1-8-oxodG versus SSC plots. Gate R encircles the fraction of MSCs with elevated values of 8-oxodG (secondary FITC-conjugated antibodies); (c) (2) distribution of the cells with varying 8-oxodG contents. (d) (1) Signal intensity of FL1-R; (d) (2) median signal intensity of FL1 (mean value for three independent experiments). against control group of cells, nonparametric U test.