Research Article

Carnosic Acid, a Natural Diterpene, Attenuates Arsenic-Induced Hepatotoxicity via Reducing Oxidative Stress, MAPK Activation, and Apoptotic Cell Death Pathway

Figure 11

Histological sections 100x (a) and 400x (b) of the livers of experimental mice in the absence (NaAsO2) and presence of CA (NaAsO2 + CA). The liver sections of normal mice revealed normal portal vein and hepatocytes. NaAsO2-exposed liver section exhibited dilated portal vein (red arrow), vacuolated cytoplasm (blue arrows), apoptosis (yellow arrows), and leucocytes infiltration (green arrows) when compared with the section of normal control liver. CA treatment could reinstate NaAsO2 mediated the aforementioned pathological changed. Gr I: normal control; Gr II: toxic control; Gr III: CA (10 mg/kg) + NaAsO2 (10 mg/kg), Gr IV: CA (20 mg/kg) + NaAsO2 (10 mg/kg).